Welcome to Sajit Solutions

SAJIT Solutions Inc has a very simple goal,
“Provide business with right talent at the right time”.
We will provide you the right staff when and wherever your business needs.

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About Us

SAJIT Solutions Inc is an emerging leader in the procurement of qualified talent across an array of industries.

SAJIT Solutions Inc. recognizes that each business has different priorities and constraints and flexible resourcing model enables us to deliver scalable solutions. We provide high-value, industry-specific IT solutions and system Integration Company with cost effective delivery model for its clients. SAJIT Solutions is furthermore a consulting company specializing in the provision of IT resource solutions. As a provider of people and management expertise for contract and permanent employment, SAJIT Solutions realizes more than most, the importance of a flexible, professional and personal approach in everything we do. SAJIT Solutions is a proven supplier that has demonstrated the ability to assist companies in streamlining recruitment, reducing cost, and providing proven resources required to meet deliverables. Being a staffing services company that specializes in contract staffing solutions and direct placement, our network of resources extends to every developed economic region of the United States. Through our cutting- edge staffing network, we select only the most qualified individuals within each industry to service our clients.



IT Staffing & Recruiting

SAJIT Solutions Inc has been meeting the staffing needs of companies across the nation. And during that time, our founding principle has never changed - providing our clients with exceptional personnel and service.


Staffing Solutions

Finding the right people, with the right skills, abilities, and fit is always a challenging task. With a proven track record of quality, consistency and success that has resulted in repeat business from a number of customers, we bring our clients solutions that deliver.

Contract / Temporary Staffing

It does get increasingly difficult to find people with the right qualifications and flexibility when you need them. SAJIT Solutions Inc has the resources and expertise to find the right people, when you need them..



You will find our personalized services to be exceptional in providing personnel on a contract-to-hire basis. SAJIT Solutions Inc will save you time and money and help bridge the gaps in your organization.

IT Staffing & Recruiting

SAJIT Solutions Inc utilizes industry leading tools and processes to deliver its services.

SAJIT Solutions Inc., has formed alliances with other professional services firms to broaden its tool set and to leverage complementary services that bring value to our clients.

Our team consists of people from a variety of backgrounds who have held key recruitment roles in major companies including many Fortune 500 companies. Our success is based on the depth and breadth of experience our team has, in every industry and our knowledge and understanding of the local markets.

Staffing Solutions

we are highly focused with every vertical lead by a Vertical Head, who is supported by a team of consultants and a dedicated team of research associates.

Being a staffing services company that specializes in contract staffing solutions and direct placement, our network of resources extends to every developed economic region.

Our success today is directly related to the many benefits our clients enjoy as a result of their strategic hires with us.

Contract / Temporary Staffing

We take up the entire recruitment process and support the client in fulfilling their recruitment needs.

We place a candidate on our Client site to perform specific duties for a desired period of client with the intent to transfer the contractor to a direct employee at the end of the work assignment.

SAJIT Solutions is furthermore a consulting company specializing in the provision of IT resource solutions. As a provider of people and management expertise for contract and permanent employment, SAJIT Solutions realizes more than most, the importance of a flexible, professional and personal approach in everything we do.

Sajit Solutions

Sajit Solutions Inc. recognizes that each business has different priorities and constraints and flexible resourcing model enables us to deliver scalable solutions. We provide high-value, industry-specific IT solutions and system Integration Company with cost effective delivery model for its clients.

5301 Alpha Rd, Suite # 80,Dallas, Texas-75240.


+1 (469) 351-9178

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